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An innovative device for measuring color in the production cycle

In the era of advanced technologies and growing quality requirements, automatic colorimetric measurement systems are becoming a required element of the quality assurance process for many industries. The solution we are developing based on a hyperspectral camera and machine learning algorithms ensures 100% color control in industrial conditions.

            Kolorymetryczny system wizyjny zainstalowany na linii drukarskiej


Automatic Colorimetric Measurement: precision and repeatability

Automatic colorimetric systems eliminate human errors, ensuring constant and precise color assessment in production conditions, directly on the line. Thanks to the use of the Specim FX10 hyperspectral camera, it is possible to precisely record the spectrum for each point of the observed object. This approach provides information about the color distribution and not just its value at one point. Our algorithms and proprietary lighting (patent application pending) to ensure high accuracy and repeatability of measurement during production.

How are colorimetric vision systems revolutionizing quality control?

Performed manually, most often in a laboratory, colorimetric measurements are time-consuming and labor-intensive. Only a small part of production is analyzed, and in addition, the long time between production and inspection of the detail makes it impossible to react to the noticed irregularity. This leads to the need to dispose of entire production batches. Automating this process using a vision system and transferring it directly to the production line allows for faster decision-making and shortened response time.

Additional benefits: remote monitoring and data analysis

Like all vision inspection systems we offer, the color inspection device enables remote monitoring and data analysis. Thanks to this, you can easily track the production process, both current and historical, identify problems and quickly solve them.

Hyperspectral color measurement – determining color deviations

The system provides visual color measurements in the CIE L*a*b* space. Automatic determination of the ΔE deviation relative to the reference value enables convenient and ongoing color control. The developed algorithms also enable the determination of optical density.


Przykładowe wyniki pomiaru - odchyłka barwy deltaE ΔE dla koloru magenta.

Our colorimetric measurement device enables not only color control of printing markings but also of every print point. This allows you to verify the operation of printing units across the entire width of the web.

Cost reduction and building a unique offer

While the initial investment in an automatic colorimetric measurement system may be high, the long-term savings are significant. Reducing waste, reducing the number of errors and optimizing production processes translate into lower operating costs. The introduction of industrial color vision control allows us to offer customers a unique production process with constant and controlled quality, thus building a market advantage for the company.

Versatility of applications of the colorimetric device

Automatic colorimetric measurement systems can be used in many industries for various materials and objects. From web printing, textiles and plastics to food and cosmetics, systems can be tailored to specific customer needs and requirements. A unique feature of our solution is that we work on images rather than point measurements. An example application is the color control of PET preforms. In the production process, it is crucial to ensure the stability of the dye dosage not only within the production batch but also between batches.


Tekst alternatywny: Wynik pomiaru  ΔE koloru preformy z jednego widoku.

One projection allows you to control the preform within 1/3 of its circumference. The graphic above shows the ΔE deviation map.

Collaboration with robots

The colorimetric head, consisting of an illuminator and a hyperspectral camera, can be installed on an industrial robot or cobot, ensuring the inspection of objects with complex geometry. Color control is an indispensable element of the quality assurance chain and its automation allows for an increase in the share of inspected pieces and a faster response to detected irregularities.

Co-financing for the implementation of the project

The research and development work leading to the development of the device was co-financed by the National Center for Research and Development under the Smart Development operational program. Project budget titled Development of a colorimetric measuring device operating on area data, contract number: POIR.01.01.01-00-1045/19, project budgetPLN 3,684,463.80, co-financing amount: PLN 2,729,757.32.


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