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SWIR Backlight is a series of illuminators from Metaphase, designed for rear lighting of objects, using light with a wavelength in the range of SWIR (900-2500nm). Infrared light can be particularly useful to bring out details that are poorly or poorly visible in visible and UV light.

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The BLBAR FOOD series of illuminators are solutions created for the needs of the food processing industry, but also for other areas requiring a waterproof and dustproof stainless steel housing. The illuminators have identical characteristics to the standard BLBAR series of illuminators from TPL.

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Backlight BLBAR + is a strong illuminator equipped with a matte diffuser that guarantees perfect dispersion of light over the entire surface. It is great for applications that carry out surface inspection. The Backlight BLBAR + illuminator is usually used as traditional backlight, but it can also be used as diffused direct lighting.

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BLBAR+ Overdrive

Backlight BLBAR + is a strong illuminator equipped with a matt diffuser that guarantees perfect dispersion of light over the entire surface, including the edges. It is great for applications that carry out surface inspection. The Overdrive version is equipped with special electronics that allow the illuminator to be overloaded with a higher voltage.

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BLBAR+ Standard

Backlight BLBAR + is a strong illuminator equipped with a matte diffuser that guarantees perfect dispersion of light over the entire surface. It is great for applications that carry out surface inspection. The Backlight BLBAR + illuminator is usually used as traditional backlight, but it can also be used as diffused direct lighting.

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BnL Overdrive

Black & Light (Bn'L) od TPL Vision jest innowacyjnym rozwiązaniem w kategorii oświetlaczy tylnych. Oświetlacz, gdy nie świeci, posiada ciemną matową powierzchnię stanowiącą bardzo dobre tło, przy oświetleniu frontowym, natomiast po włączeniu posiada wszystkie zalety typowego oświetlacza backlight. Co więcej, matowy materiał pomaga zaabsorbować niechciane promienie, dzięki czemu oświetlacz podnosi wydajność procesu kontroli.

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BnL Standard

Black & Light (Bn'L) od TPL Vision jest innowacyjnym rozwiązaniem w kategorii oświetlaczy tylnych. Oświetlacz, gdy nie świeci, posiada ciemną matową powierzchnię stanowiącą bardzo dobre tło, przy oświetleniu frontowym, natomiast po włączeniu posiada wszystkie zalety typowego oświetlacza backlight. Co więcej, matowy materiał pomaga zaabsorbować niechciane promienie, dzięki czemu oświetlacz podnosi wydajność procesu kontroli.

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CMBACK+ Overdrive

Collimated Medium CMBACK + is a strong backlight illuminator that gives diffused light and works well in various machine vision applications. Thanks to strong LEDs, the illuminator provides an intense light beam, which allows cameras to distinguish the shapes of the tested elements. CMBACK + is equipped with filters that remove non-perpendicular light rays (>30 ° in relation to the vertical axis of the illuminated surface). The OVERDRIVE version is as easy to use as the STANDARD version. It is equipped with additional electronics enabling overloading the illuminator with a higher voltage. This version is intended for specialists who want to perfectly adapt the luminous flux to their needs for reliable results.

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CMBACK+ Standard

Collimated Medium CMBACK + is a strong backlight illuminator that gives diffused light and works well in various machine vision applications. Thanks to strong LEDs, the illuminator provides an intense light beam, which allows cameras to distinguish the shapes of the tested elements. CMBACK + is equipped with filters that remove non-perpendicular light rays (>30 ° in relation to the vertical axis of the illuminated surface).

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Collimated Backlights

The Collimated Backlight series illuminators are a very efficient source of homogeneous light for shape control and inspection of light-transmitting objects. Thanks to the use of precise optical elements, the light is collimated in the X and Y directions. The light is emitted at a small convergence angle, which makes this illuminator ideal for precise measurement applications using a telecentric lens. The illuminators are available in many variants of lighting color (white, red, green, blue, IR and RGB with independent color control) and size (active surface from 25 mm x 25 mm to 305 mm x 305 mm). It is possible to personalize the size of the illuminator, up to 1 m x 1 m.

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Collimated Tube Backlight

Collimated Tube Backlight is designed for applications where the key issue is the registration of the contour of the tested object. Metaphase illuminator is characterized by increased lighting intensity compared to standard backlight illuminators. Telecentric lighting is ideal for precise measurement applications where accuracy and repeatability are key.

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Economical Backlight

The Economical Backlight series illuminators combine very bright LEDs with Lumiform technology, which ensures highly homogeneous lighting (± 5-10%).

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Seria oświetlaczy HPBACK to oświetlacze tylne wysokiej mocy. Oświetlacze HPBACK są kolejnym krokiem ewolucyjnym popularnej serii oświetlaczy MBACK+ od TPL. W stosunku do poprzedniej generacji nowe moduły są do 30% jaśniejsze, przy pracy w trybie ciągłym, posiadają nowe konektory M12 5-pin oraz oferują poprawione czasy narastania i opadania (15μs i 10μs).

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Linear Backlights

The Linear Bakclights illuminators provide homogeneous lighting (+/- 5%) using HDPCT (high dense precision chips technology) technology and very bright LEDs. It is possible to configure the illuminator to the desired wavelength.

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LT2BC are backlight illuminators characterized by high intensity and homogeneity. The illuminators are enclosed in a compact (26mm thick) and durable housing, adapted to work in demanding industrial environments.

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The LTBC series are universal backlight illuminators that will work in a wide range of applications. These devices are economical solutions, ensuring both solid construction and uniformly dispersed light, without creating light points.

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Rear illuminators from the LTBFC series are characterized by their thin construction. The devices are available in two configurations: fully enclosed (with 4 side edges) or with one light-emitting edge (with 3 side edges). Illuminators are dedicated to continuous operation.

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The LTBP series are high-power LED illuminators providing uniform backlight lighting. The illuminators have a specially shaped diffuser and densely packed LEDs enclosed in a slimmed housing.

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LTCL4K illuminators have been specially designed to work with TC4K telecentric lenses for the highest optical bandwidth, especially needed for high-frequency linear measurements.

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The LT CL illuminators have been designed to work with telecentric lenses. Placing the illuminator behind the observed object gives a very accurate measurement, such a setting perfectly highlights the shape of the object. The combination of telecentric illuminator with a telecentric lens is recommended for all applications requiring high resolution and accurate measurement.

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The LTCLHP CORE series are ultra-compact telecentric illuminators, up to 60% smaller than other telecentric illuminators available on the market.

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MBACK+ Overdrive

Medium MBACK+ is a strong "backlight" illuminator that provides diffused light and works well in various machine vision applications. Thanks to strong LEDs, the illuminator provides an intense light beam, which allows cameras to distinguish the shapes of the tested elements. The OVERDRIVE version is as easy to use as the STANDARD version. It is equipped with additional electronics enabling overloading the illuminator with a higher voltage. This version is intended for specialists who want to perfectly adapt the luminous flux to their needs for reliable results.

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MBACK+ Standard

Medium MBACK+ to silny oświetlacz typu „backlight” dający rozproszone światło i świetnie sprawdzający się w różnorodnych aplikacjach wizji maszynowej. Dzięki silnym diodom LED oświetlacz zapewnia intensywny strumień światła, który pozwala kamerom na odróżnianie kształtów badanych elementów. Oświetlacz może pracować w dwóch trybach: ciągłym i strobowanym o bardzo krótkich czasach narastania i opadania impulsu (15 μs i 10 μs) oraz gwarantuje równomierne oświetlenie całej powierzchni razem z brzegami. Złącze może zostać umieszczone na dowolnej stronie oświetlacza, który może zostać zainstalowany na przenośnikach taśmowych dowolnego typu. Ponadto dwie diody LED w pobliżu złącza sygnalizują, czy oświetlacz jest podłączony do zasilania oraz czy tryb stroboskopowy jest włączony. Medium MBACK+ jest perfekcyjnie przystosowany do zadań kontroli jakości, takich jak: detekcja, kontrola defektów brzegowych, kontrola ubytku materiału. Medium MBACK+ jest dostępny w wersjach o różnych długościach fal oraz o różnych wymiarach. Istnieje możliwość modyfikacji produktu, jeżeli w standardowej ofercie nie znajduje się model odpowiadający wymaganiom danej aplikacji.

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What distinguishes the MDBL series from other backlight illuminators are LEDs mounted directly below the diffusing surface, thanks to which the models of this series provide brighter light than standard backlight illuminators. All models are equipped with special mounting brackets, which significantly simplify and speed up the installation. MDBL models are DC controlled (MG-Wave® series).

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MetaBright™ Area Backlights

The Metabright series are illuminators that provide an intense and homogeneous light source for shape control and inspection of light-permeable materials. Tightly arranged LEDs provide sufficient intensity for most vision applications. Metabright Backlight illuminators are available in different color variants (RGB, IR UV) and different sizes (active surface from 25 mm x 25 mm to 1.5 m x 1.5 m).

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Metastandard Backlight

The MetaStandard Backlights series from Metaphase is a cheaper alternative to the MetaBright Backlights series. Illuminators are available in sizes up to 1.5 m x 1.5 m in square and rectangular shapes. Thanks to the dense arrangement of LEDs, the illuminators ensure higher homogeneity and intensity of light compared to illuminators with LEDs only on the edges. Thanks to the analog driver, the light received from the illuminator is free of undesirable flickering and dimming. The intensity of 30,000 Lux and homogeneity of +/- 10% makes the MetaStandard Backlights series a leader in the category of value for money.

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Narrow Backlight

The Narrow Backlights series provide homogeneous lighting (+/- 5%) using HDPCT (high dense precision chips technology) and very bright LEDs. It is possible to configure the illuminator to the desired wavelength.

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SBACK II Standrad

The new Small SBACK II model is a homogeneous, high-power backlight illuminator, which, thanks to the thin walls of the housing, is ideal for closed hard-to-reach spaces. The illuminator, located under the controlled object, illuminates its entire shape, which allows very good verification of the object, defects in outline or lack of material.

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Thin Backlights

The Thin Backlight series illuminators are a very efficient source of homogeneous light for shape control and inspection of light-transmitting objects. Thanks to the small thickness of the housing, it is possible to maximize the illuminance in applications with limited space. The illuminators are available in many variants of lighting color (white, red, green, blue, IR, UV) and size (active surface from 25 mm x 25 mm to 127 mm x 254 mm).

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