ro pl

Claxon CXP4

Claxon CXP is currently the latest frame grabber platform from Bitflow (as of 2019). Claxon CXP is a card that fully complies with the most efficient CoaXPress CXP-12 interface standard, allowing signal transmission with a maximum speed of 12.5 Gb / s. Despite the new architecture, enabling a 2-fold increase in performance compared to the previous series, Claxon CXP is fully compatible with the Cyton generation, so that all users of previous cards will be able to easily switch to newer devices without the need for software changes.

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Coaxlink is a series of frame grabbers with a CoaXPress interface that allow you to acquire images from the fastest cameras with the highest resolution available on the market.

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The CoaxPress interface (CXP) is a simple and very efficient standard for sending high-speed data from the camera to the frame grabber. Video image is transferred at a speed of up to 6.25 Gb / s. At the same time, control and trigger signals can be sent at a speed of 20 Mb / s (trigger accuracy +/- 2 nanoseconds). It is also possible to send power to a camera up to 13 W - all using a standard coaxial cable with a resistance of 75 Ohm.

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Lenses Aon

The Aon-CXP is an affordable frame grabber with CoaXPress interface. Despite its small size, it boasts the power of larger models from the Cyton series and support for CXP cameras with speeds of up to 6.25 Gb/S.

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microEnable 5 ironman CoaXPress

The most efficient series of frameworks from Silicon Software, which includes plates for both acquisition and image processing.

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microEnable 5 marathon CoaXPress

Seria frame grabberów maraton od Silicon Software, zapewnia wsparcie dla najszybszych interfejsów stosowanych w przemysłowych kamerach wizyjnych. Wśród produktów znajdują się urządzenia dedykowane interfejsom Camera Link, CoaXPress oraz Camera Link HS.

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