Gray filters act as "sunglasses" for your system. Filters limit the amount of light reaching the camera sensor without affecting contrast and colour reproduction. The ND-VIS series filters are designed to operate in the visible wave range (425 - 675 nm). Filters are available in all sizes, corresponding to the lenses used in the field of machine vision.
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Neutral Density
Gray filters limit the amount of light reaching the camera. The offer includes many different models that differ in size and optical density. Optical filters are available in sizes M25.5-M67, in the version with housing or sizes 27-74 mm for filters without housing. The filters have been adapted to work in visible light (400-700 nm).
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Gray filters act as "sunglasses" for your system. Filters limit the amount of light reaching the camera sensor without affecting contrast and colour reproduction. The Ni-VIS / SWIR series filters have been designed to operate in the visible wave range (400 - 2000 nm). Filters are available in all sizes, corresponding to the lenses used in the field of machine vision.
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