

The company Chromasens GmbH was founded in 2004. It produces industrial image processing systems with a wide range of applications. Line cameras, both monochrome, dedicated illuminators, as well as software enabling full use of the potential of the offered equipment – all this is in the Chromasens portfolio.

Customers from a variety of industries – from electronics and semiconductors, food inspection, print inspection to medical engineering and security technology – will find application for Chromasens products.

All products, including custom ones, are developed and manufactured at the company’s headquarters in Konstanz. Continuous contact with universities and research institutions ensures further development of the company’s know-how. Both research / development and production are ISO 9001 certified. From concept and raw design to serial delivery, Chromasens focuses on full customer support.

Thanks to the innovation of its products, Chromasens has received several awards. In 2007, the company received the Siemens AG Industrial Solutions and Services Award, and in 2011 – again from Siemens AG – the “Star Supplier 2011” award for innovations in the mobile infrastructure and logistics class.

Chromasens has been a member of Lakesight Technologies since May 2017.