Basler aviator Area Scan Cameras Now Include Sequencer Feature and Color Enhancement
Since the beginning of the month, all newly produced aviator GigE and Camera Link standard models have been leaving the factory with the new firmware version 1.6. The most important improvements involve the implementation of the sequencer function in all standard cameras and a feature for improved color reproduction.
The aviator cameras launched onto the market in 2009 and are especially well suited for applications that rely on image quality and speed. They offer excellent image quality thanks to powerful Truesense CCD sensors in 1, 2 or 4 MP resolutions, as well as four data outputs (4 tap) to deliver exceptionally high sample rates.
Sequencer Feature and Color Enhancement
Thanks to the new firmware, the aviator series of area scan cameras have now joined the ace cameras in offering the sequencer feature, which allows the user to change the selected image extract from one recording period to the next. The implementation of this functionality within the FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) makes it possible to change parameters such as gain, exposure time and binning without sacrificing on maximum frame rate. As such, the Basler aviator now delivers even better performance even when faced with poor or fluctuating light conditions.
The color enhancement is capable of compensating for color deviations arising due to limitations in the interplay between sensor and Bayer matrix, as well as poor lighting conditions during recording. It also allows the “BC6 Operator” to set the hue and saturation properties individually for all colors on the captured images. In addition, there is a list of presets for different lighting conditions so that top color reproduction can be achieved even in exceptional recording situations and difficult conditions.
Interested in learning more about this or other features of the current aviator firmware? AVICON, Poland’s distributor for Basler products would be glad to provide further assistance. The new manual will also soon be available in the download area on Basler home site.