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Basler Celebrates Anniversary of Successful Market Launch of USB 3.0 Cameras with Price Cuts

Basler ace USB 3.0 cameras launched on the market a year ago. They have been so successful that Basler has been able to ramp up production — and is passing along the price benefits to their customers. New starting list price: 199 €.

It has now been more than a year since Basler launched its ace USB 3.0 cameras. As thanks for the tremendous success of the line, including thousands of units sold, Basler is cutting prices for models ranging from VGA to 5 MP resolution. The cameras now start at 199 €. The reason for this unusual action: Because of the strong success of these products, the company has been able to ramp up production and enjoy the economics of scale. Now it is looking to pass along those savings to its customers. The campaign may further drive the already high-flying sales, helping the company move closer to the market share lead it seeks.

Based on customer feedback, the broad selection of CCD and CMOS models have been especially popular, as has the extremely stable implementation of the USB3 Vision standard and the simple integration and usage that come with it. These only heighten the joys of the technical benefits associated with the interface, such as plug&play compatibility and low CPU load. These factors have all made Basler ace cameras into a popular replacement for older FireWire cameras as well as attractive products for new design-ins.

René von Fintel, Team Leader in Product Management for this unit, explains: “We see that USB3 Vision is obtaining ever greater acceptance on the market and that customers are increasingly ready to take the leap. The price cuts are part of our effort to make the change even more attractive. Because if everything looks good on the technical side, what matters to customers is ultimately the overall system costs. And in this regard, our ace cameras offer outstanding value for their performance.”
