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BFPython API

BFPython API

Take your image acquisition to the next level with new BitFlow API. Great performance thanks to Python wrapper around the BitFlow’s C based BufIn API allows to implement sequential and circular image acquisition. All modern interfaces are covered – GenICam device control, CoaXPress register access, and CameraLink serial communication and more.

BitFlow SDK

SDK (Software development kit) is an integral part of each image acquisition system, its focus is to provide an functional access to image buffers while minimizing latency and CPU load. BitFlow SDK offers complete solutions for basic applications like simple image acquisition, sequencing and processing. Multiple developing and debugging utilities help to design very robust and complicated image acquisition systems. 

Free and paid versions of the software available for users with specific needs. When you use a 3rd party Machine Vision application eg. Adaptive Vision Studio, LabVIEW, VisionPro and HALCON free version is going to get you covered. For clients who develop their own software that will acquire from BitFlow frame grabbers paid version is required. Header files, libraries and multiple examples with source code are also available in the paid version with full documentation for each supported language. 

Both Windows and Linux 32-bit and 64-bit are supported by either version.

Primary Applications:

• BitFlowPreview – Live video display, save images to disk

• BitFlowCapture – Image sequence capture and playback

• CamML – Configuration file editor and tester

• Ximilon – GenICam camera control (CXP and CL)

• BFLog – Driver message logger and debugger

• BFCom – HyperTerminal-like application allowing direct access to a Camera Link

camera through the board’s serial port

• SysReg – Set system-wide defaults and setting

API Layers

Tailored to your needs – The BitFlow API is divided into tiers, each supporting different level of access – high tiers offer more functionality with fewer calls while lower levels offer custom control of the board. All tiers are supported by all framegrabber models.

• Buffer Interface (BufIn): Supports high-level buffer management.

• Camera Interface level (Ci): Provides mid-level control of frame grabber hardware. For example, setting trigger modes, changing I/O settings, etc.

• Low-level interface: Provides the most direct access to board control and status

registers and memory. This level fully exposes the board’s architecture to the user,

something not available in many competing products.


Specifications (https://www.bitflow.com/software-development-kit/)

• Windows Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10 drivers and DLLs

• Asynchronous, interrupt-driven, multitasking, multi-threaded operation

• C/C++/C#/.NET 32-bit interface for 32-bit version of Windows

• C/C++/C#/.NET 64-bit interface for 64-bit version of Windows

• 32-bit applications are supported on 64-bit Windows

• Acquisition event (e.g. end of frame, end of DMA, loss of sync) notification via nonpolling interrupt signals

• High-level API supports complete setup and acquisition with less than 10 function calls, low level API supports total control of the camera interface and includes sophisticated line rate and exposure time control

• Very low latency DMA reset code that allows for tight spacing of continuous variablesize imaging targets

• Complete API error tracking system, with all error message destinations under full program control

• Full observability of the board’s current state: line number, maximum line number (for variable size images), acquisition state, trigger status, etc.

• Camera configuration and test utilities

• Example applications with source code for viewing, processing, buffer management, and sequence acquisition

• Extensive built-in diagnostics to assist during support incidents

• All BitFlow frame grabbers can produce a synthetic image so application development can start before a particular camera is available ### Summary BitFlow SDK integration with Bitflow’s broad range of framegrabbers and comprehensive documentation (examples included) available at https://www.bitflow.com/PythonHelp/index.html helps to smoothly apply your solutions.

Full documentation and sample applications available



BitFlow SDK smoothly integrates with Bitflow’s broad range of framegrabbers and comprehensive documentation (examples included) available at

https://www.bitflow.com/PythonHelp/index.html is a great deal of aid to smoothly apply in your custom vision solutions.