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Free White Paper: How to Find the Right Camera for your Image Processing System?

To help you find the right path through the confusing tangle of offerings on the digital industrial and network camera market, Basler released part 2 in our series of white papers: “Camera Selection – How can I find the right camera for my image processing system?” It provides step-by-step guidance through the different stages of the selection process.

Starting with the question of what exactly the camera needs to see, it systematically explores the entire range of relevant questions, each deriving from the next: Selection of the sensor type and shutter technique, the relationship between resolution, sensor and pixel size, suitable interface technology and finally necessary and recommended camera features.
By the end, you’ll know what you need and what you don’t. The Basler Camera Selector also aids in the selection of a concrete camera model.
Yet while having the right camera is a fundamental step in designing an image processing system, it is ultimately only the first step. Further installments in the series will undertake in-depth examinations of topics like image quality, lens selection, lighting and PC hardware and software.