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InfraTec – Infrared Cameras

Growing demands in the industry require the most advanced technology to keep the production process robust and stable. As soon as temperature screening is the key factor for quality assessment, thermal solutions from InfraTec tackle the industrial and R&D challenges with its versatile thermal camera series.

Modular design and extensible software enable InfraTec camera users to work based on the highest measurement precision and efficiency and thus handle research and industrial tasks with ease.


ImageIR® – high-end IR solutions

ImageIR is a series of thermal cameras from InfraTec aimed at research and scientific application, where maximum sensibility, accuracy, spatial resolution and speed is requested. Modular design helps configure the camera according to your needs. ImageIR cameras can be equipped with a cooled photon detector  (InSb, MCT) of different spectral sensibility and various IR pixel formats.

Parameters and equipment options:

  • Thermal resolution
  • Maximum frame rate 105,000 Hz
  • Focal Plane Array (FPA) detectors with available IR pixel formats of (1,920 × 1,536), (1,280 × 1,024), (640 × 512) i (320 × 256)

  • Long life Stirling cooler for continuous operation
  • Filter/aperture wheel: motorized; remotely controllable with up to 5 positions each (optional)
  • Machine Vision standard interfaces. Out of the box, ImageIR cameras are equipped with GigE standard with alternative options including 10 GigE and CAMLink / DualCAMLink
  • Integrated trigger- and process interface
  • Precise and repetitively accurate triggers
  • Complete optical assortment, from 200 mm telephoto lens to 8 times microscopy lens with 2 µm pixel size
  • Modular structure for individual add-ons

  • motorized adjustment (with remote filter and aperture control with five positions available)

Pioneering technologies:

MicroScan – optomechanical technology that quadruples pixels and in effect increases the image quality. This technology is based on the MicroScan wheel integrated into the infrared camera that creates four separate images and merges them together and forms a thermogram with a quadrupled number of pixels.

HighSense – set up customized temperature ranges for your application. HighSense can store multiple settings for different exposure times that you can access quickly without the need for recalibration.

HighSpeed technology that employs pixel binning – combining 4 neighboring pixels, which increases frame rate and helps to achieve higher signal-to-noise ratio.


In order to take full advantage of the ImageIR cameras, InfraTec offers a complete software solution – IRBIS 3. Packages are available in multiple configurations to make sure that you’re getting a complete and comprehensive system functionality for your application.

Meas­ure­ment & Eval­u­ation

Automatic data analysis with various functions to process and display the data in a descriptive manner. 

Options include:

  • IRBIS® 3
  • IRBIS® 3 plus
  • IRBIS® 3 professional
  • IRBIS® 3 report 

Control and Acquis­i­tion Soft­ware

The software provides remote control of camera functions conveniently, using a PC or tablet. Data acquisition can be scheduled and triggered according to user-defined events.


For users requiring additional functionalities. InfraTec offers:

  • IRBIS® 3 active
  • IRBIS® 3 mosaic
  • AVI generator
  • Macro Editor
  • Sequence Editor
  • Palette Editor

Software-Development-Kit (SDK)

  • plug & play with all InfraTec cameras
  • simple and clean interface
  • extensive measurement and correction functions
  • special thermographic data processing algorithms
  • real-time data processing tools
  • customizable user functions
  • possibility of data acquisition from many cameras at the same time
  • multiple acquisition trigger options, including temperature triggering

Software-Development-Kit (SDK)

  • irbgrab-SDK: real-time data evaluation (MS Visual Studio C++ VS 2017, C#, Free Pascal, Python are supported)
  • irbacs-SDK: IRB data evaluation (MS Visual C++ 2017, Free Pascal supported)

MATLAB integration

  • Complete SDK support for MATLAB
  • Thermographic data can be accessed using the interface (including full temperature data, and parameters)
  • Maximum level performance when using native app
  • Better performance and additional performance boost thanks to IRB format compatible with IRBIS® 3, which enables users to save compressed data