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Modern CMOS Sensors for Fluorescence Applications

For the selection of a suitable camera and to determine its suitability for certain application areas, the sensor plays a major role. As a result of Sony’s discontinuation of its CCD production, system manufacturers are increasingly concerned about suitable replacement cameras. This also affects many applications in medicine and science, where fluorescence-based methods are applied frequently.

In Basler White Paper, Product Manager Dr. Felix Asche explains relevant technical correlations and provides examples to show the versatile options offered by modern CMOS technology. His conclusion: modern CMOS sensors in high-performance, non-cooled cameras can be the right choice for many fluorescence-based applications.

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Would you like to learn more on the topic of CCD/CMOS? You can read useful information on this in Basler white papers “Modern CMOS Cameras as Replacements for CCD Cameras” or “What’s the Best Way to Compare Modern CMOS Cameras”.

For more information on modern CMOS sensors, please contact Avicon sales team.