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New 1” lenses by Kenko Tokina

Kenko Tokina, the worldwide vendor of photo and video accessories, introduces new 1” lenses – 8MegaPixel 5.0micron Vari-focal lens and 21MegaPixel 2.4micron Fixed-focal lens. The first one (TVR1426HDIR) covers the focal length from 14 mm to 50 mm which makes that lens ideal choice for traffic applications (ITS) such as license plate recognition (APNR).  Other captivating features are: IR correction and no ramping effect (constant brightness throughout focal length). Thanks to these benefits, TVR1426HDIR lens is one of the best choice on the market. Line-up of lenses with fixed-focal length

These lenses (TC1216-21MP, TC1616-21MP, TC2016-21MP, TC2516-21MP, TC3514-21MP) offer a stunning resolution 21MP and can be used with variety of newest cutting-edge CMOS sensors from Sony (IMX series) as well as established technology from CMOSIS (CMV series).

Please feel free to contact AVICON Sales team for more information.