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Poultry footpad classification system

Portfolio of industrial machine vision systems of AVICON has recently extended with the new solution for poultry farming. PoultryPadCheck AI vision system measures poultry welfare based on lesions detected on the footpad. System assures classification of birds according to German QS (Qualität und Sicherheit) standard and local veterinary regulations.

System takes full advantage of new cutting edge technology of Artificial Intelligence, hence allowing fast pad defect localization with unparalleled effectiveness and precision. Birds are divided into 4 or 5 groups according to footpad condition. Poultry flock recipients are able to receive a full quality report taking every single bird into account.

Technical parameters:

· Performance up to 15 000 birds per hour.

· Birds divided into 4 classes (turkey) or 5 classes (chicken)

· Harsh environment ready, IP69K installation for frequent pressure cleaning

· Software used: Adaptive Vision and proprietary convolution neural networks

· Integration with factory database and real-time exchange of statistic data

Please contact for details of this solution with AVICON at info@avicon.pl or +48 22 631 03 71.