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Strong Performance, Wide Selection of Resolutions, Simple Integration — Basler racer

The Basler racer family combines special CMOS line-scan sensors with Gigabit Ethernet and Camera Link interfaces to achieve a flexible, state-of-the-art technological package for the line-scan market. Offering an outstanding price/performance ratio, this series is ideal for price-sensitive applications such as web inspection (wood, paper, film, etc.), controlling of printed images, surface inspection (silicon chips, panels and displays, semi-conductors, etc.) and sorting as well as scanning of documents.

Why do our customers choose the Basler racer?

While the compact size and industrial design of the cameras are certainly a draw for our customers, it is the outstanding image quality in a variety of resolutions and the availability of GigE and Camera Link interfaces that are ultimately the decisive factors.

The various models of the racer family cover a broad spectrum of applications. Thanks to the low costs of the camera and accessories, even multi-camera systems can be created at competitive prices.