ro pl

“Innovative sorting device using multi-form data and machine learning algorithms”

Project co-financed by the National Center for Research and Development under the Intelligent Development operational program.

Contract no .: POIR.01.01.01-00-0316/20

Project value PLN 5 679 905.40, co-financing amount PLN 4 347 861.23

Project description

The aim of the project is to develop an innovative sorting device that will be used in the recycling process.

Objects are classified based on their spectral characteristics, color, inductance, and image analysis using machine learning. As part of the project, a complete, innovative sorting device will be developed, tested in conditions similar to real ones. The device consists of a working conveyor, detection, analysis and rejection system.

The multi-form data is analyzed and a decision is made to route a given element to the appropriate stream of elements with the same characteristics.

It will be a solution significantly improved compared to the currently available solutions because the complementarity of the installed sensors will allow the separation of plastics with specific parameters from the waste stream, while at the same time cleaning it of inclusions in the form of particularly undesirable products (e.g. construction silicone tubes with recycled PE plastic). A unique feature of our solution will be the ability to sort black plastics.
