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Vieworks – multidisciplinary excellence of imaging

Among many technology vendors for Machine Vision segment worldwide, Vieworks takes a special spot. This high tech, South-Korea based company draws its generous camera experience from unique proprietary imaging technologies and serves market with wide experience in many industry and research branches. Going for Vieworks camera solutions, customer has a wide landscape of different series available for grasp. Starting from standard mainstream VC/VQ areascan series, through wide selection of linescan VT/VTC/VL and specialized aerial VX, up to sophisticated VN/VP/VNP multimegapixel cooled workhorses, we are given an entry point to many industrial and non-industrial applications such as web inspection, flat panel display check, aerial imaging, bioimaging, sports and many more.

Hybrid TDI – give me sensitivity boost!


Time Delayed Integration (TDI) is well known and established technology for linescan applications. It allows a huge registered intensity boost over single-row linescans, thus making a high speed scanning feasible.

Vieworks’ Hybrid TDI (VTDI) sensor technology blends two distinct sensor chip manufacturing technologies and implements CCD pixel structure over CMOS signal circuitry, which allows direct photon-originate charges to be rapidly added up over progressive stages, to form up a perfect image. By multiple exposures of the object profile over consecutive sensor lines (so called stages), image can be registered with either low-light conditions or at blazingly fast linerate, reaching even 300kHz of linerate. In order to illustrate how rapid and challenging the process of acquisition is, you can imagine a single exposure process lasting only 3.3 microseconds. This chunk of time is so tiny that you’d have to assure a tremendous amount of illumination, arguably bigger than direct sunlight operation – special cooled illumination designs that create cost. But when staging this process up to 256 times dynamically in sync with moving object, you can have an effective exposure of almost 1 millisecond, which in turn happens to be totally ordinary exposure time, but without any loss of resolution and framerate.

Camera models utilizing VTDI are listed as VT series. Span of resolutions ranges from 3k even up to 23k with linescan frequencies up to 300kHz. Number of stages starts from 32 up to 256 line rows.

Pixel shifting – give me more resolution!

Some applications require ultra-high resolutions that go beyond physical sizes of sensor dies. In such cases, a Pixel Shifting technology implemented by Vieworks comes into play. The rule applied is to put a sensor into X-Y nanostage, move it by the fraction of pixel size and register 4 or 9 sub images as source of one synthetized super resolution image.

This feature is offered by Vieworks VN and VNP series, with base resolution up to 150 Megapixels and extended resolution of whopping 602 Megapixels.

Thermoelectric cooling – give me superior image quality!


It’s a well known rule of electronic circuits that temperature has a major impact on noise characteristics. This rule applies equally for sensor technology, where thermal noise can be reduced significantly even by dropping chip temperature by few degrees centigrade.

Vieworks VP series offers an unique TEC technology that keeps sensor cooler by 20 degrees below ambient temperature and prevents any potential condensation inside camera’s chassis by implementing an internal signature chamber structure design. Together with Flat Field Correction, Pixel Defect Correction and fast Camera Lino or CoaXPress interfaces, these cameras offer unprecedented image quality with resolutions up to 152 Megapixels.

Aerial imaging – give me proven rugged imaging!


Geospatial imaging applications, aside of classic requirements for resolution and framerate, typically impose a number of secondary features onto imaging devices to be used. These features come into first plan when designing a flying scanning system that utilizes camera into drone or any other aircraft type. Namely, there is a need of rugged design that will prevent any damage in presence of vibrations as well as a need for extended tolerance for temperature conditions. Electronic devices have to undergo a number of design and evaluation rules that reduce influence of vibrations, especially in natural resonance frequencies which are tightly dependent on body properties. Design has to provide natural damping or intrinsic storage of vibration energy by controlled elastic deformation. Also, resistance to shock motion has to be introduced up to certain level of energies by providing proper assembly technology and internal component clearances.

Vieworks VX series has it all sorted out for you, giving you 25 Megapixel camera solution that passes strict reliability tests including 10G vibration test and 70G shock test along with -50 to 80 ℃ operating range of temperatures. 

AVICON – give me premium support and attractive price plans!

AVICON is proud to be Vieworks Sales and Support Partner for Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria. As day-to-day practitioners of Machine Vision components, we strive to serve with our local experience in implementing, installing and troubleshooting cameras as well as every other component type there is, like lenses, illumination, software and accessories, parallelly with attractive pricing, financial options and warranty services in single solution package.

For details, do not hesitate to contact us under https://www.avicon.pl/